World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival 2022

The Preamble team was in Cannes April 14-16th for the first World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival (WAICF) on all things AI. The conference brought together top AI researchers and companies from all over the world to discover new AI products and services. The Palais des Festivals in Cannes was a beautiful location to host thousands of attendees.

During our speaking session, the Preamble team discussed building responsible AI, intelligent NFTs, middleware services, and our other product offerings. We met many talented industry professionals and had numerous conversations about building ethical AI.

Preamble Overview:

Preamble is a SaaS provider for AI Ethics and Safety solutions. Our mission is to ensure AI systems benefit society by operating ethically and safely, helping us change the world for the better.

We develop machine learning models that align with human-defined ethical values. Our natural language processing models can help reduce misinformation and harmful content online without requiring social media companies to apply heavy-handed content moderation.

Preamble can provide platforms with an alternative solution to being the arbiters of truth by utilizing our middleware services for content decisions. An issue we are tackling is recommendation algorithms can have unintentional consequences where they may amplify harmful, polarizing, or morally outrageous content, which leads to more clicks, likes, or re-shares. Another issue is managing massive amounts of user-generated content without impacting free speech. Lastly, AI-generated text can introduce new concerns, where biases and toxicity are inherited from the training data and exist in the output of chatbots or text generation services. With Preamble, we enable platforms to allow their users to control their online environments to address this social dilemma.

There were a lot of wonderful presentations, but we have highlighted a few of the talks we enjoyed.

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